Conflict Resolution Services
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -- Maya Angelou --
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Via Worldwide Teleconference
There's a good reason attorneys and other conflict managers involved in highly emotional, diversity-impacted cases select me as their mediator. These managers recognize that disputing parties who are lost in their emotions require a mediator who they feel is relatable, empathetic, and trustworthy . . . someone who truly gets what they are feeling, thinking, saying, and maybe not saying.
Transformative Mediation
Another conflict situation that is particularly troublesome occurs when two or more highly valued employees are at odds. It may be a complex turf war or a simple clash of personalities. These cases are ideal for the Transformative Mediation Model, which emphasizes personal growth and healing of the relationship, not merely a cessation of hostilities. This is where I shine brightest.
Conflict Coaching
I provide one-on-one coaching for key employees who need to improve their conflict management competency or are having difficulty assimilating into a new department or job title. My primary task as a coach is to help troubled leaders break through what's been getting in the way, and then go beyond themselves and their self-imposed limitations.
Team Workshops & Discussions
I create customized programs designed to proactively improve workplace cultures by improving employee attitudes and skills regarding diversity, conflict, and stress management. I also facilitate group discussions on contentious matters affecting overall job satisfaction and performance.
Attorney-Client Relations
Attorneys have hired me to assist them when having difficult conversations with a "difficult" client. They correctly understand that because of racial, cultural and/or gender differences, their client would more easily understand and accept the attorney’s opinions and recommendations if I participated in the discussion. I also help prepare clients for court, depositions, and mediations involving other mediators.
Ombuds Services
As an Ombudsperson, I serve as an independent, informal, impartial/neutral, and confidential resource for the entire organization. Accordingly, I provide year-round conflict guidance and assistance within and across every organizational level. This allows me to diffuse issues well before reaching the point of no return.
Exclusive Free Training Reveals . . .
3 Critical, Underused Skills To Level Up Your Conflict Resolution Game
--- With Or Without Outside Help ---