Impasse●ology™ Resource Center
Want To Sky High Your Conflict Resolution Game?
It's Simple . . . Below Is All The Free Stuff You'll Need. And Much, Much More Is Headed Your Way
Trainings -- Case Studies -- Interviews -- Reports -- Tips
Welcome To Impasse●ology™ Inner Circle
Get Ready To Rethink Almost Everything You Already Know About Managing Conflict, Diversity, And Runaway Emotions At Work
I created this Resource Center to help Conflict Managers like you create BREAKTHROUGHS in your work-related (and maybe even your personal) conflict resolution life. And this isn’t just some empty promise. These methods have been TESTED and PROVEN by me and some of the best Alternative Dispute Resolution practitioners on the planet . . . some of whom I've personally worked with or been mentored by over the past 30 years.
My only concern is that all this generosity just might put me out of business. (Wink. Wink.)
Impasse●ology™ Defined
The SUBTLE ART of breaking through seemingly impossible obstacles, predictaments, stalemates, standoffs, and dead ends.
Impasse●ology™ Resource Center
"You can learn a lot from Ms. Therese.
I did. Can't ya tell?"
Warning: These are advanced mediation techniques and should only be used by those confident of handling the situation if things should backfire.
Get Your Free 4-Page Ebook PDF
Learn The Moves World-Class Mediators Resort To After All Else Fails . . .
You're Never Too Smart To Learn Something New and Dangerous
After clicking the download link below, enter your first name and email address to immediately get the ebook. Also, you'll be subscribing to my Impasseology mailing list. So you'll get Instant Email Notifications whenever I post a new training, case study, interview, report, or announcement here in the Resource Center. This will keep you at the very top of your workplace conflict management game.
I hate SPAM too. So I promise never to share or abuse your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.
5-Minute (Or Less) Case Studies
Here are examples of actual cases that typify my work with emotion-filled, diversity-related employment cases.
Racial Discrimination (2:41)

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Hostile Workplace (1:53)
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5-Minute (Or Less) Trainings
Managing Runaway Emotions Course . . .
Learn The Indispensable Practices Of World-Class Mediators
In this short, powerful training, you’ll learn 3 critical skills and some human nature insights all expert mediators use to quickly restore order, create trust, and end the impasse . . . when rules, facts and reason get in the way.
Managing Runaway Emotions -- 1 of 5
How Negative Emotions Impact Your Dispute Resolution Attempts (3:37)

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Managing Runaway Emotions -- 3 of 5
The Emotional Treasure Hunt (4:29)

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Managing Runaway Emotions -- 2 of 5
Are You Unwittingly Fueling Your Clients' Emotional Fires? (3:50)
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Managing Runaway Emotions -- 4 of 5
Using Third-Party Reality Checks (3:33)
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Managing Runaway Emotions -- 5 of 5 Non-Monetary Solutions: When It’s Not Only About The Money (4:15)

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One-Lesson Trainings . . .
What's Your Dispute Resolution Mantra? (3:32)
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Managing ExpectationsCOMING SOON

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Diversity Imbalance: Dispute Resolution’s Hidden Nemesis (4:40)
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Quicky PDF Reports
Managing Difficult Conversations At Work
This little six-page report explains how to be both DIRECT and KIND when having difficult conversations. Hint: It's more art than science.
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
I Give Up. You Tell Me . . .
Email me what you want to know and I'll prepare Quicky Reports on the topics with the most interest.
Reading Time: ?
10-Minute (Or Less) Interviews
These interviews are instant investments in your workplace conflict resolution effectiveness. What could be better than learning, first-hand from some of the best mediators, faciliators, negotiators, and ombudspersons in the world?
Coming Soon
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Ken Cloke
Director, Center for Dispute Resolution
Ken has been a pioneer and leader in the field of mediation and conflict resolution for the last 37 years. He is a “world-recognized” mediator, dialogue facilitator, conflict resolution systems designer, teacher, trainer, author, and public speaker.
Coming Soon
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Joan Goldsmith
Organizational Consultant, Coach, & Educator
For the past 35 years, Joan has traveled the planet doing leadership development, organizational change, conflict resolution, and team building. She has also authored numerous books and articles on these topics, several with her husband Kenneth Cloke and Warren Bennis.
Please Spread The Word
You must admit . . . these are crazy, crazy times.
The New Normal brings with it plenty of diversity-driven challenges for all us conflict managers.
And if this website and these Impasse●ology™ resources are truly helping you address these challenges, please tell your colleagues and associates who may be struggling unnecessarily.
Of course, sharing is totally up to you. But if you should ever want to, just copy and paste these referral links in an email or text, on social media, or however else you'd like to share them:
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And I thank you in advance for spreading the word. You are my only advertising.